
Effective Pest Control in greater Amsterdam

Have you noticed sights and sounds that suggest you've been invaded by unwelcome mice, rats, wasps or other pests? Unfortunately, without prompt intervention they're likely to multiply rapidly, causing more and more problems as their numbers grow. We are an experienced exterminator that can take care of almost any infestation, quickly and competently.

Exterminating rodents and much more
We deliver our services in the greater Amsterdam area, like Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Diemen, Landsmeer, Almere, Schiphol, Zaandam, Haarlem, Weesp, Aalsmeer, Zuid-Oost.

We Carry Out Detection/Treatment/Removal

Once inside, they're difficult to get rid of without professional assistance. Our skilled team has the right equipment to tackle troublesome insects, pests and rodents of all types, removing them and their detritus swiftly to leave your home pest free.

Commercial Pest Control

In addition to our residential services, we also offer a full spectrum of commercial pest control. Our staff is trained to work discreetly and professionally at all times, providing a premium service that gets you the results you're looking for. 

