Spider control 

Contrary to popular belief, spiders are not actually insects. Because they only have to main body parts, a head and an abdomen, as opposed to the three that are found in insects, they are classified as arachnids. There are over 45,000 different species of spiders ranging from completely harmless to extremely deadly.

Many of the deadly species are not found here in The Netherlands. Spiders feed on the bodies of other insects by catching them in their webs and liquefying their bodies. While it doesn’t sound pleasant, this process is actually very important.

Spiders help to get rid of some of the more pesky and annoying bugs like mosquitoes and help control the population of these bugs. So even though you don’t want to run into a spider, they might be helping get rid of other pests.

When in doubt, it’s advisable to call a professional pest control company that deals with spiders and who are trained in dealing with these types of situation. It’s not advisable to handle a spider situation on your own unless you’re positive that they are a harmless specie that can easily be removed.

Give us a call if you’re dealing with a spider problem in your home or business. We offer free estimates and consultations on your situation and can provide you with the most effective treatments that will not only remove them from your home, but keep them from coming back.

Spiders can be scary to have in your home. Although, there are many species of spider that can be called “good” spiders, meaning they help control and eat the other pests that you’d rather not have, they still tend to be an unwanted guest in your home or garage.

There are a myriad of species ranging from harmless to deadly, which venom that can possibly kill a person. While, these spiders tend to be more rare, they can still get into crucial parts of your home like your basement, garage or attics and even make their way into your home if given access.
